Friday, August 5, 2011

Crossfit Week 5 Summary

I had to come back to NYC Thursday night so I was unable to do Friday’s WOD. I’m still pretty psyched about Crossfit. It is keeping me challenged & interested in what each day will bring. I always feel pretty blah after work because of the mundane things I do in the office, & then I see my Outlook reminder pop-up w/ Crossfit at 6pm or 6:45pm & then my stomach turns. I get nervous & want to run to the bathroom to expel everything in my stomach before my WOD. I don’t want any accidents while in the middle of my WOD, you know, just to be on the safe side. I’m nervous but at the same time, excited by it. My drive there takes about 20 minutes on local roads & I’m pretty sleepy while doing my scenic drive. I get there, pee, then stretch. Then it comes time for (re-)learning a skill, practicing a skill or going directly into the WOD. When I’m done w/ the WOD, I feel exhausted, but also fantastic. My adrenaline is still bursting through my veins & I’m pumped. I feel tired, yet stronger than I was before. I absolutely love this feeling.

Results – I’ve bruised my arms (from double unders) & my knees (from walking lunges) so I look like a beaten & battered woman, but to me, they were well worth it. It shows that I’m really getting into my WODs & I’m continuously pushing myself even when I’m tired & want to quit. I feel my hamstrings & quads are tighter than before. I feel my back, forearms, triceps & biceps becoming stronger. I even did my 1st semi-hand stand this week which is quite the accomplishment for me! I was able to finish Tuesday’s WOD ahead of everyone (both guys & girls) & having the other people root me on felt amazing. The people at my box are supportive even when they’re struggling themselves. I still don’t see a difference in the mirror yet, but I think that comes w/ time. I’m still hoping I wake up one day w/ a 2 pack abs. hehee

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