Saturday, October 1, 2011

Crossfit Day 56

September 29, Thursday
Workout – D had been texting the whole morning on what we should do today. We wanted to do a run outside but then it started pouring outside, so our plans were thwarted. We asked the trainer to create a WOD for us.

WOD – 1000m Row, 80 Box Jumps (20”), 60 V-ups, 40 Jumping Lunges (2 for 1), 20 HSPU Box Push-Ups for Time. My Results: 20:02 minutes.

I did the WOD w/ D & Mo. I hate rowing, but I still did them. 1000m took me 5:06 minutes. I was still the last to finish, of course. But, I was the 1st to finish the box jumps. Tiring as they are, I can do them pretty well. The v-ups were horrendous, but it’s a great ab workout. The jumping lunges were a total killer to my already sore thighs/quadriceps. 2 for 1 means we had to do a total of 80. Oh they felt like they took forever. And I had to modify the Hand Stand Push Ups yet again. Afterwards, I tried to practice double unders. I was actually about to do 3 in a row w/o an extra jump in between each one. It was hard but I can do it. I definitely want to practice more.

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