Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Crossfit Day 44

September 13, Tuesday
Workout – I’m not sure how I’ll do on the 1500m run, but I’ll try my best. I hope everyone won’t be sprinting because I don’t want to fatigue so much that I am barely running at the end. We’ll see how it goes.

WOD – 1500m run for Time. My Results: 7:03 minutes. Rest 5 min. 7 Rounds 5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (42), 7 HSPU box push ups, 9 Box Jumps (24″) for Time. My Results: 11:20 minutes.

There 7-8 of us at the class, w/ only 3 girls. DD did rowing instead of running because she has a problem breathing outdoors. So B & I were outside running w/ the boys. We were both behind the guys. B was slightly behind me the whole time. I was able to finish in a pretty decent time (in my opinion). Then we had a 5 minutes rest. Everyone started their WOD at different times depending on how fast/slow you finished your run. I upped my Sumo deadlift high pulls from 33lb to 42lb. I think I can do more next time. I modified the HSPU by using a box to do my push-ups. The Rx for box jumps was 24” for girls, so that was an increase for me. I only missed the box twice & luckily didn’t kill/injure myself. *whew* I was dripping w/ the sweat the entire WOD. And my clothes were soaked through w/ my sweat. Oh, it was disgusting. I finished everything at 23:23 minutes, but this included the 1500m run & the 5 minute rest, so the WOD took me 11:20 minutes, but it felt much, much longer than that. With the way I was sweating, you would have thought I was working out for a good hour. CF really is high intensity, isn’t it?!? It felt good to finish.

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