Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Crossfit Day 87 | Last Day of Nutrition Challenge Day 44

November 22, Tuesday
Workout – Today is the last day of the Nutrition Challenge. I’m excited that it’s over, but sad at the same time. I did get used to eating this way & it’ll be hard to incorporate everything back into my diet now. It had its frustrating moments but I did enjoy cooking & trying out new recipes. It was definitely challenging & trying at times, but I got through 44 days w/ only 5 cheats. I’m pretty proud of myself. I weighed in before the WOD. My starting weight on 10/7/11 was 116.6lb. My ending weight on 11/22/11 is 113.2lb. I lost a total of 3.4lbs!!! With some fancy calculations, I lost 2.9% of my total body weight. I was SHOCKED because I didn’t feel like I lost any weight & I’m amazed because I don’t lose weight easily. I basically lost an average of 0.5lb a week. Wow. No one thought I had any weight to lose, even myself. I was okay w/ the weight I was before & I’m okay w/ the weight I am at now. I just wanted to see some changes to my mid-section since that’s the area I wanted to see results. I have more definition of a waist, but it’s only slight. I think I might try to keep going w/ this diet, but slowly incorporate back some things because there are just too many restrictions w/ the Whole30 diet. I am still shocked by the results & surprised this diet really does work even though I feel like I’m ingesting the same or more calories per day. I guess you’ll never know unless you try it out. I’m glad I tried it & challenged myself. I feel pretty darn good about myself now that I am done & am happy that I do have enough dedication & drive to finish the challenge.

WOD –Katie’s Bday 1) 5 min AMRAP – 11 Pull Ups (red) & 22 Double Unders. My Results: 3 sets + 3 Pull Ups. Rest 1 minute. 2) 5 min AMRAP – 11 Ring Dips (blue) & 22 Box Jumps. My Results: 3 sets + 19 Ring Dips/Box Jumps. Rest 1 minutes. 3) 5 min AMRAP – 11 KB Swings (35lb) & 22 Reverse Lunges for Reps. My Results: 4 sets + 9 KB Swings.

I used the red band for pull ups & I was able to do at least 7 in a row w/ the kipping motion. That’s more than I’ve ever done, so I’m getting stronger, slowly, but surely. I didn’t do too well w/ double unders but after a little while, I got the hang of it. For the 2nd AMRAP, I did the best out of everyone in my class, although I did have the blue band to aid my ring dips. I do pretty well w/ the box jumps & I can do them faster than the others in my class, so I’m pretty psyched by that. The last AMRAP also went really well. I breezed through the KB swings & the reverse lunges weren’t too bad. Again, I did the best out of everyone in my class so that made me a happy camper. That was a great way to end the rainy day. We finished by doing 4 minutes of front planks. I held it for 2 minutes straight & couldn't hold it any longer. I finished the rest  in 30 sec increments.

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