Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Crossfit Day 82 | Nutrition Challenge Day 36

November 14, Monday
– I’m very tired today. I don’t feel like going to CF. I feel slightly burned out, but that could just be the time of the month. I just renewed my membership for another 3 months, but I’m doing 12x a month instead of unlimited due to my remaining vacation days I would need to take before the year is over. I have to say, this Nutrition Challenge is really taking a toll on my body. I didn’t realize how much until my period was way late (for me anyway). It was nearly 5 days late! That never happens to me. I was once 3 days late before, but never again. I was worried that it wouldn’t come. It felt like it was coming over 7 days ago, but day after day, nothing came. I’m just glad it finally came. I hope I’m not damaging my body due to this challenge. I’m getting really antsy from this Nutrition Challenge. I can’t wait until it’s finally over. It’s been 37 days now & only 7 more to go. I want to eat tons of the bad foods I’ve been wanting (i.e chips, donuts, bread, pasta, etc). As you can tell, I’m definitely not losing weight on this one. I definitely can’t keep up w/ this diet, but it makes me think outside for the box when it comes to creating foods & I will try my hardest to be better w/ everything I put into my body.

WOD –500m Row, 21-15-9 Burpee Box Jump, 2-for-1 Reverse Lunges, 500m Row. My Results: 15:22 minutes.

I was feeling really unmotivated today, but I still went into CF anyway because I should. We did Overhead Squats first, but the 22lb bar was making my shoulder hurt, so I stopped. I just stretched out & practiced w/ the PVC pipe instead. I really don’t want to aggravate it anymore than I already have. I was sluggish & slow today. I was the slowest one w/ the rowing, then I was nearly crawling when I did the burpees box jump. I was in slow motion today. The only saving grace for me was the Reverse Lunges which went fairly quickly. I didn’t finish last, but I know I could have done better if I had more sleep & if I had something to eat before the WOD. I did 40 Reverse Hypers afterwards to stretch myself out a little bit w/ weights.

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