Unless you live under a rock, you most likely have heard or seen dozens upon dozens of pictures of Bakerella's Cake Pops (and balls, and other cute funky shapes) everywhere on the internet. She was featured (so was I, but that's another story) on an episode of the Martha Stewart show & she became an instant hit w/ the world. She's publishing her own book too from her crazy Cake Pop sensation.
The first time I tried making the Cake Balls was actually not planned. I made an awesome Chocolate & Green tea bundt cake, but when I turned the cake upside down, the cake fell apart. I was highly upset w/ myself. I went to bed after my disaster & had a restless night. My mind could not stop thinking about my cake mess left in the kitchen. Then a light bulb hit somewhere around 5am. Yes, I can get a little neurotic when it comes to my baked goods. I knew what needed to be done to my cake mess. It was 5am, I was tired & needed more sleep, so I laid there in bed for a few more hours, until it was time to fix my mess & make it into a masterpiece!
The first time I tried making the Cake Balls was actually not planned. I made an awesome Chocolate & Green tea bundt cake, but when I turned the cake upside down, the cake fell apart. I was highly upset w/ myself. I went to bed after my disaster & had a restless night. My mind could not stop thinking about my cake mess left in the kitchen. Then a light bulb hit somewhere around 5am. Yes, I can get a little neurotic when it comes to my baked goods. I knew what needed to be done to my cake mess. It was 5am, I was tired & needed more sleep, so I laid there in bed for a few more hours, until it was time to fix my mess & make it into a masterpiece!
Here's a play by play of what I did:
Make 2 batters, one for Green Tea, the other for Chocolate.

Alternate Chocolate & then Green Tea to make a pretty swirl.

Make 2 batters, one for Green Tea, the other for Chocolate.

Alternate Chocolate & then Green Tea to make a pretty swirl.

The silicon muffin pan came out perfect. These little guys were very tasty & cooked to perfection. Look at that swirl. It can't get any better than this.
The bundt pan didn't look bad either......Until disaster struck. :(
Bakerella's awesome recipe to the rescue. Add some Green Tea frosting to the mess.
Roll some cake balls. Don't they look like meatballs? hehee Dip in chocolate.
Put on a baking sheet & let the chocolate harden in the fridge.
Don't these look like perfect truffle balls?
From an awful disaster to this wonderful tasty treat. The headache was definitely worth it. Yum!
Thanks Bakerella!!!